dhewi anggraini sholihat

dhewi anggraini sholihat

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010


Electromagnetic waves are waves that dont require a medium to propagare, electromagnetic waves field is formed from abuse electric field, and magnetic field boh this field to vibrate in direction perpendiculsr electromsgnetic waves to ddiscover by Henrich Hertz.
Elektromagnetic wave included transversal waves wich directions to spread perpendicular direction to tremble.
electromagnetic waves character is
1. can to spread in hollow room
2. to from transversal waves, so to experience polarization
3. can to experience replection, repraction, interfaction and diffaraction.
4. dont curves in electric field althought magnetic field.
5. changing magnetic field happened manner together .
So that electric field and magnetic field in phasa and proprtional. In the propagation of electromagnetic waves propagating with a velocity whose value is determined by two quqntities are permivitazion electric and magnetic permeabilitazion, to in hollow room, and air than the electromagnetic wave velocity values for 3*8m/s.
Theoritical researchy on electromagnetic waves is called Electromagnetism. Basic theory of electromagnetic wave propogation was firs described in 1873 by James clerk maxwell. In the paper at royal siciety the theory dinamics.
In the 1873 David E Hughes was the first person who send and receives radio waves when he found that the balanced induction homemade phone cause interference.


Selasa, 30 Maret 2010



Nama lengkap : Dewi anggraini sholihat
Kelas : XII Ipa 3
NIS : 080910081

jenis kelamin : perempuan
ttl : karawang,03 september 1993

agama : islam
Alamat : Jl. niaga gg jamika 4 no 39 rt 08/17 karawang barat
No Hp : 085814489060
E-mail : dee_diawie@yahoo.co.id
Alamat blog : www.anggradewi.blogspot.com
Hobby : dengerin musik,gambar
Riwayat pendidikan ;
SD : SDN VII Karawang barat
SMP : SMPN 1 Karawang barat
SMA : SMAN 1 Telukjambe
Keluarga ;
Nama ayah : Endang suganda
Pekerjaan ayah : wiraswasta
Nama ibu : siti nurijah
Pekerjaan : ibu rumah tangga
Jumlah kakak : 0
Jumlah adik : 2